I’ll bet, like me, you have goals and visions for different areas of your life that haven’t manifested yet.


And do you sometimes beat yourself up for taking sooooo long to accomplish those things?

Now I do understand that we often procrastinate because we feel overwhelmed, scared, confused, fearful…. You too?

But sometimes, it’s not that at all.

It could be that not all the pieces are in place yet, and it’s just not the right time. In other words, things are bogged down in the “missing pieces department” and the more effort you put in to “making it happen” the more you spin your wheels.

Sound familiar?

So how do you know if you are procrastinating, or if it’s simply a case of the missing pieces department not having everything lined up yet?

Here’s how…

That sense of urgency that you are experiencing…. Does it come from your mind, or your heart?

If it’s coming from your mind, chances are you’re pushing against the natural flow of manifestation. If you keep pushing and things just don’t come together, consider that not all the pieces are in place, and there may be nothing you can do about that right now. It may be totally outside of your control. Time to turn things over to the rhythm of the universe…. AND STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP!

If that urgency to move forward and take action is coming from your heart, likely it is a sign to move forward. Know that you would not feel that sense of calling to take the next step if you didn’t also have the resources within you to be successful.

This week I was trying to push a project forward, but was meeting with inner and outer resistance. Then I realized the urgency to do it NOW was coming from my mind, not my heart. When the time is right, I know the pieces will fall into place easily.

On the other hand, I felt an urgency to post this today.

The urgency came from my heart. So, given that you are still reading, I assume there is a message here for you. I hope it has been helpful. Do let me know.

As always, remember YOU are magnificent beyond compare. Your tribe (actually, I prefer to call them your clan) is out there waiting to hear your message, feel your touch, and be inspired by your smile. Nobody has the ability to impact them as much as YOU.