Did you know that dance is one of the best things you can do for the health of your body and your brain?

And not just repeating the same old moves.

When you learn new steps, which is both physically and mentally challenging, you are recharging your brain as well as your body.

In fact many schools back in my homeland (in the U.K.) now teach ballroom and Latin dance because of the positive effect on the kids’ learning abilities and behavior.

And if you guys that think that manly men don’t dance…. according to a recent issue of Psychologies magazine, Dr. Peter Lovett, a psychologist specializing in performance at the University of Hertfordshire, in England, recently examined how women respond to men’s dance moves at nightclubs.

You might be surprised to hear that he discovered that shufflers, (you know… who shuffle from foot to foot without barely lifting either off the floor), were rated lowest in terms of masculinity and attractiveness. Meanwhile men who incorporated the occasional unexpected movement were eye-catching (I wonder why) and appeared more in control.

So who says manly men don’t dance.