What’s on your bucket list that you really want to accomplish? Here is something on mine that’s about to happen, and why it matters to YOU….

Soon I will be making the trek to Scotland, and specifically to the Isle of Lewis. First, I will drive the length of Scotland all the way to the northwest coast (through some STUNNING highland scenery). That’s followed by a 2½-hour ferry crossing to the island.

Why have I chosen the Isle of Lewis?

There are incredible standing stones on Lewis that I have been drawn to for as long as I can remember… the Standing Stones of Callanish.

They were constructed to align with the orbits of the moon and sun, and are even older than Stonehenge. Their remote location makes them much more accessible (once you actually get there) than Stonehenge, which has become a tourist mecca. At Callanish there are no fences to keep you from wandering through the huge stone circles and avenues.

My husband, Francis, and I are staying in one of 3 camping pods right on the property. So even though the island gets a lot of visitors in the summer, we hope to have some time alone in that mystical and somewhat mysterious place. I am so looking forward to it!

So why does all this matter to you?

Having a healthy sense of anticipation of something you are looking forward to can give you energy and even help you get through life’s challenges.

A study published last year in the journal eNeuro implies that thinking about a future pleasurable event helps you build the disciple of delayed gratification, as well increase intrinsic motivation even if you are currently going through a difficult or unpleasant time.  

Heck, who couldn’t use some more disciple and motivation?

But you don’t need to plan a trip to Scotland to get it… though you might want to 😉

Even having something small to look forward to (like the lovely cup of tea I’m going to enjoy when I have finished writing this) can have a powerful and positive impact on your state of mind.

Here’s the other aspect of this… Thinking of something positive kicks in the Law of Attraction. And no this is NOT woo woo. It is firmly based in neuroscience. Where attention goes, energy really does flow. New neural networks are created (or reinforced) in your brain for everything you pay attention to.  

There is so much negative news in our world right now, but anticipating a pleasurable future event is a great way to compensate for this, and keep your energy and enthusiasm levels high.

So what are you looking forward to?

It could be a big item from your bucket list, or something small and simple. Maybe it’s an upcoming trip, an evening with friends, reading a compelling book, starting a new hobby, a nice glass of wine, a walk somewhere in nature…?

Try to have at least one thing to look forward to every day.

Now for that cup of tea 🙂