Why Affirmations Don’t Work!

By Liz Fletcher Brown

Have you ever noticed that whatever you put your focus on, you get more of?

When I was in my teens we lived in a cul-de-sac of about a dozen houses at the end of a fairly busy street. My brother Richard was flexing his boundaries and stayed out way past his bed time.

It was late, and the neighborhood was very quiet as he stealthily made his way along the street and up the path to our front door. All of a sudden, out of nowhere there was a cacophony. Lights snapped on, curtains swung open and shouts could be heard in the street.

Apparently, under the stress of thinking about what would happen if he was caught coming home so late, he forgot about the empty glass milk bottles standing like soldiers guarding the entrance to the front door. Normally, in the morning they’d be magically replaced with full bottles of rich, creamy milk.

He was so focused in his thoughts that he didn’t notice the milk bottles … until he walked right into them, and sent them crashing down the stone steps making enough noise to wake the whole neighborhood.

After he had been reprimanded by my mum, not just for being so late, but for making such a commotion, I asked him what happened. He said, “I don’t know. I was trying so hard to not make any noise. I didn’t want to wake anybody up, especially mum.”

He was so focused on what he didn’t want, and that was exactly what he created.

The subconscious mind doesn’t understand “didn’t” or “not”. It just notices where your attention is, and assumes that must be what you want more of. Otherwise, why would you be spending so much time thinking about it?

Have you ever looked at your life and wondered why it didn’t always match what you really wanted? Consider the possibility that what you say you want and what you spend your time focusing on may not always be the same thing. Whatever you put your focus on, you get more of!

And I’m not talking about writing or saying affirmations. I think we’ve all tried that. You know… when you stick those million-dollar bills that you can buy for a few cents all over the ceiling above your bed so you see them first thing in the morning. And the little sticky notes on the bathroom mirror, on the fridge, and all around your computer screen that read, “I am wealthy beyond imagination. All the money I need comes to me easily and in abundance.” All these reminders about how wealthy you are.

Then an unexpected expense shows up and you completely lose it. (Been there, done that!) Or you constantly worry about money. You hang onto things you don’t really need because you don’t want to let them go. You act in every way as if you were totally broke.

Where are you putting your attention?  What are you really focusing on?

The universe doesn’t look at what you write down on those pieces of paper, or what you tell yourself 20 times or 20,000 times a day. It looks at what you base your actions on. It looks at what you are calling real by your thoughts, and words and actions…..then it gives you even more than of that!

Remember, the universe assumes that whatever you put your focus on must be what you want. 

Yet, what you say you want and what you actually focus your attention on are not always the same thing! How can you tell? Just look at what is manifesting in your life.

When you switch your fascination from what you don’t want to what it is that you do want, amazing things can happen!

And when something comes along in life that doesn’t match your vision, don’t make a big deal of it.  Tell yourself it is just an anomaly, and as soon as possible, get back to focusing on what you do want.

Liz Fletcher Brown is a  Keynote Speaker, Workshop Facilitator and Coach, supporting individuals in living purposeful, balanced and joy-filled lives.